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🌼 Join our Spring DIY Flower Craft Café on Sunday, 30 March ~ RSVP here 🌼
Our Sponsors
As a non-for-profit organisation we are very grateful for the support from our sponsors that help us develop our organisation, extent our Library of Goods and host events.

Run by Kultur Lund, Stenkrossen is a workshop and workspace for projects and activities that promote art, culture, and innovation. We are happy to be a Maxi Project at Stenkrossen and to have Library of Goods located her.

​PLUTO represents and supports students studying in interdisciplinary social science programs as a subsection of the Samhallsvetarkaren, Social Science Student Union.
Circle Centre receives support from the strategic innovation program Viable Cities, which is funded by Vinnova, the Swedish Energy Agency and Formas, and which is focusing on the transition to climate-neutral and sustainable cities.
SYSAV, South Scania Waste Company, recycles and treats waste from households and industries in southern Skåne. Their goal is waste management that is sustainable in the long term, with the most extensive recovery of materials and energy possible.
Our Partners
Through partnerships with environmental organisations in Skåne and other Library of Goods globally, we build a counterculture to consumerism, where individual consumption is reduced and items are used and repaired as much as possible before becoming waste.

Fixa Till is a free workspace with access to a wood shop, sewing machines, and painting studio where you can extend the life of your things through repair or make something new out of something old.

Repair Café Lund works together with Repair Cafe Malmö to run community repair events where volunteers help people to repair their broken items.

Fritidsbanken Lund is a Library of Things specialist in sports and leisure items. Sport gear that is no longer used by an indivual owner is collected and lent out to use for up to 2 weeks.

SHARE Oxford
SHARE Oxford is a Library of Things located in Oxford, UK. Passionate about saving waste, SHARE Oxford aims to make sharing easier, to increase access to good quality things - ultimately reduce consumption and waste, save money, save the environment, and feel good about it.
You want to support Circle Centre or become a partner?
Write to us!
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